Kupas Tuntas Cara Membuat Classic spaghetti aglio olio yang Tradisional Di Rumah

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Classic spaghetti aglio olio. Spaghetti Aglio e Olio is a simple Italian dish of garlic, olive oil, parsley, and Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese tossed with cooked pasta. No two spaghetti aglio e olio recipes are alike, but this one is pretty true to the classic method. The key is slowly toasting the garlic slices to a perfect golden-brown.

Classic spaghetti aglio olio

The Ultimate Pantry Pasta Hails from Italy. While the exact origin of spaghetti aglio e olio is murky, there's no doubt it hails from Italy. Some say the dish comes from Naples, while others say it originated in the Southeastern region of Abruzzo.
Kamu dapat dengan mudah membuat Classic spaghetti aglio olio menggunakan 8 bahan dan 3 langkah kerja yang cepat.

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat Classic spaghetti aglio olio :

Spaghetti aglio e olio (Spaghetti with garlic and olive oil) - one of the most famous pasta dishes from the Italian cuisine. Try this classic Aglio e Olio Spaghetti recipe. This traditional Italian spaghetti dish is made with good quality olive oil, garlic, salt, and pepper. The dish is a simple, yet delicious way to prepare pasta for dinner.

Langkah-langkah untuk membuat Classic spaghetti aglio olio :

  1. Rebus spaghetti hingga al dente, beri garam 1 sdt dan olive oil d air rebusan..
  2. Di api kecil, tuang olive oil dan lgsg masukkan bawang putih, tgg kecoklatan, masukkan udang dan tgg hingga berubah warna. Masukkan spaghetti dan seasoning lainnya juga daun parsley. Aduk2 dan test rasa..
  3. Sajikan dan taburi bubuk oregano..

Spaghetti agilo e olio means spaghetti with garlic and oil. This is hands down the easiest, cheapest, fastest meal you could ever make. This is a back-pocket, classic, anyone can do it kind of dinner. You're going to have it memorized in no Spaghetti Aglio Olio. Al dente pasta in a simple garlic oil.