Yuk Membuat Creamy Spaghetti Carbonara yang Praktis Di Rumah

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Creamy Spaghetti Carbonara. This Creamy Carbonara is a plate of heavenly, creamy pasta. Silky spaghetti with crispy pancetta in a super creamy and cheesy sauce. Simply delicious and so easy to make them at home.

Creamy Spaghetti Carbonara

Spaghetti Carbonara is fast and easy dinner with just a few ingredients and a luxuriously creamy sauce. Spaghetti carbonara is one of the most popular Italian pasta dishes. This pasta recipe combines cream, eggs, cheese and bacon.
Kamu dapat dengan mudah membuat Creamy Spaghetti Carbonara menggunakan 11 bahan dan 10 langkah kerja yang cepat.

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat Creamy Spaghetti Carbonara :

Spaghetti Carbonara is a classic Italian recipe that comes together easily any night of the week. Al dente pasta is tossed with a creamy parmesan-egg sauce and crispy pancetta. How to Make Creamy Carbonara Step by Step. Get a large pot of water and salt it heavily.

Langkah-langkah untuk membuat Creamy Spaghetti Carbonara :

  1. Siapkan semua bahan.
  2. Cincang halus bawang putih.
  3. Potong sosis/smoked beef, jamur, dan brokoli sesuai selera.
  4. Parut keju cheddar.
  5. Rebus sphagetti sampai aldente. Air rebusan ditambahkan garam dan minyak (optional) sedikit. Angkat dan tiriskan. Rebus brokoli sebentar saja.
  6. Tumis bawang putih sampai harum.
  7. Masukkan sosis/smoked beef dan jamur. Masukkan susu cair. Masukkan garam, lada, dan oregano. Tunggu sampai mendidih.
  8. Masukkan bubuk fiber cream.
  9. Apabila rasanya sudah pas, masukkan spaghetti dan brokoli yang telah direbus.
  10. Sphagetti siap dihidangkan 👌🏻.

If you taste the water, it should taste like the sea. Spaghetti Carbonara is not just incredibly easy to make but super quick too. Creamy, incredibly tasty and made with few ingredients. Put a large saucepan of water on to boil. By Lindsay Funston and Lauren Miyashiro.