Yuk Membuat Penne Saus Carbonara yang Hemat Di Rumah

Kumpulan Resep dan Tutorial terbaik.

Penne Saus Carbonara. This easy chicken carbonara penne pasta is a one-pan wonder packed with flavor that the entire family will devour! Each bite is packed with protein and vegetables, with just the right balance of pasta and sauce. I'm sharing my secret ingredient to making this dish with minimal effort and maximum yum.

Penne Saus Carbonara

This Carbonara sauce is perfect for penne pasta or a long pasta like spaghetti or fettuccine. But, if you are not into penne, you can pretty much pour it on any type of pasta. Use your noodle to come up with the perfect pasta compliment to this perfect sauce!
Kamu dapat dengan mudah membuat Penne Saus Carbonara menggunakan 12 bahan dan 3 langkah kerja yang cepat.

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat Penne Saus Carbonara :

And, of course, top your pasta off with Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. Pasta, eggs, cheese, and bacon come together in the ultimate Italian favorite: spaghetti carbonara. Cook the penne in the boiling water, according to cooking time on the package. In a bowl, whisk the eggs, Parmesan cheese, salt and black pepper.

Langkah-langkah untuk membuat Penne Saus Carbonara :

  1. Didihkan air, garam dam minyak goreng. Masukkan pasta, rebus hingga empuk, tiriskan.
  2. Panaskan butter, tumis bawang putih hingga harum, masukkan tepung, aduk rata, susu cair, oregano, keju oles aduk hingga mengental, masukkan garam dan lada, tes rasa..
  3. Masukkan pasta, aduk rata hingga meresap, masukkan keju parmesan, siap untuk disajikan dengan saus sambal dan di taburi keju cheddar parut.

For a creamier sauce, add the heavy cream (optional). My method of making Penne Carbonara is sort of traditional. You can use a variety of pastas, but I really prefer using Penne Rigate pasta as it holds the sauce perfectly in its ridges. Making a Carbonara from scratch isn't as hard to make at home as you might think, it's actually very easy. The Best Pasta Carbonara Philadelphia Cream Cheese Recipes on Yummly